Property valuation is an essential aspect of the real estate process. Whether you’re buying, selling, or just curious about the market value of your property, understanding how property valuation works is critical. This comprehensive guide will give you insights into the process, especially if you’re based in Sunshine, Sunshine West, Sunshine North, Albion, or Braybrook.

Understanding Property Valuation

A property valuation offers an independent and objective assessment of a property’s market value. Property valuers are licensed professionals who draw on extensive training and a deep understanding of the property market. They consider various factors, including the size of the property, location, condition, and recent sales of similar properties in the area. Property valuers often use methods like analyzing sales data, considering market trends, and conducting physical inspections of the property.

While valuations are useful for various purposes, including buying or selling property, mortgage lending, taxation, and insurance, they’re also necessary for legal proceedings.

The Role of Real Estate Agents in Property Valuation

While real estate agents are not property valuers, they play a critical role in the property valuation process. Real estate agents, like us at Create Real Estate, assist clients in buying, selling, and renting properties. We also offer property appraisals as part of our services. This is where we estimate the likely selling price of a property in the current market, using our knowledge of recent sales and current market conditions.

At Create Real Estate, we’ve been providing real estate services, including property valuations and appraisals, in Sunshine and surrounding. Our team of experienced real estate professionals are well-versed with the local market conditions and trends, and we’re committed to providing accurate and reliable services to our clients.

Difference Between a Property Valuation by a Valuer and a Real Estate Agent

There are a few key differences between property valuations provided by a valuer and a real estate agent. While property valuers are independent and provide an objective assessment of the value of a property, real estate agents may have a vested interest in selling a property and may be more subjective in their approach. Also, property valuers charge a fee for their services, whereas real estate agents work on a commission basis. Both professions require licensing and certification, but the requirements and training differ for each.


Understanding property valuation can make your real estate journey in Sunshine, Sunshine North, Sunshine West, Albion, or Braybrook smoother and more informed. Whether you require a formal valuation for legal or financial purposes or an agent’s appraisal to guide your buying or selling price, it’s crucial to work with professionals like us at Create Real Estate.

We’re not just a real estate agency; we’re part of the community, actively working in 3020 and the surrounding area. We provide property valuation services and work with people who can do sworn valuations or bank valuations. In most instances, a trusted real estate agency’s valuation suffices, providing a comprehensive and reliable assessment of a property’s market value.

For more information or to schedule a property valuation or appraisal, visit our website We’re here to guide you through the real estate market with confidence.

Table of Sources:

Property Valuers or Real Estate Agents? Acumentis
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Steven Tabban

With a comprehensive understanding of property valuation, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the real estate landscape. Whether you’re a homeowner, a prospective buyer, or an investor, knowing how property valuation works can greatly aid your real estate decisions. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Create Real Estate for any assistance you may need in Sunshine, Sunshine North, Sunshine West, Albion, and Braybrook.