Property Address:PROPERTY DETAILSProposed Property:Post Code:Rent Per Week: $Bond Amount: $Are you a smoker:YesNoLength of rental:.Rental to Commence:How many renters will occupy the property?:AdultsChildrenAgesPets:YesNoTypes:Reg?YesNoBreed/s:Ages:Will you be applying for assistance from Ministry of Housing?YesNoInspected PropertyYesNoFIRST APPLICANTFirst NameLast NameDrivers Licence #:Expiry Date:License State:VehicleRegistration:State:Passport No :Passport country:Pension No: (if applicable)Type:PhoneMob PhoneE-Mail:Current Rental History - Applicant 1Current Address:Post Code:How long at Current Address?:Years.MonthsReason for Leaving:Rent: $RRP/Agent?:PhonePrevious Rental History - Applicant 1Current Address:Post Code:How long at Current Address?:Years.MonthsReason for Leaving:Rent: $RRP/Agent?:PhoneEmployment History - Applicant 1Current OccupationNature of your Employment:FULL TIMEPART TIMECASUALCurrent Employer’s Name:Employer’s Address:Contact Name:Phone:Employment:Years.MonthsIncome: $Net weeklyPrevious Employment History - Applicant 1Previous Employer:Occupation:Address:Previous Employer’s Ph:Time Employed:If you are a Student - Applicant 1Institution:Dept:Union No:Student ID:Income Source:Income: $Net PWIf you receive a Centrelink Payment - Applicant 1Type:Cust No:Amount $:Per FortnightIf Self Employed - Applicant 1Accountant Name:PhoneCompany Name:ABN:Emergency Contact - Applicant 1Name:Address:Home Phone:Mob Phone:Relationship to youReferences - Applicant 1Reference 1Name:Address:Home Phone:Mob Phone:Reference 2Name:Address:Home Phone:Mob Phone:SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED:Proof of Current Bank Balance (payslips will not be accepted)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileRental ledger from current/past Real EstateChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileCentrelink Statements (if Applicable) and/or 2 PayslipsChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileIf you are a home owner please supply a copy of a rates notice orsale contractChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileDECLARATION & AUTHORITYYes, I have read and agree to the Declaration and Authority terms. DECLARATION & AUTHORITY *I hereby offer to rent the property from the owner under lease to be prepared by the Agent. Should this application be accepted by the RRP I agree to enter into a Residential RentalAgreement.I acknowledge that this application is subject to the approval of the RRP/Owner. I declare that all information contained in this application (including the front page) is true and correct and given of my own free will. I declare that I have inspected the premises and am not bankrupt.I also authorize the Agent to obtain personal information from:(a) The owner or the Agent of my current or previous residence.(b) My personal referees and employer/s(e) Any record listing or database of defaults by Renters(d) My Accountant or Payroll officer.I am aware that the Agent will use and disclose my personal information in order to:(a) Communicate with the owner and select a renter.(b) Prepare lease/rental documents(c] Allow tradespeople or equivalent organisations to contact me.(d) Lodge/claim/transfer to/from a Bond Authority.(e) Refer to Tribunals/Courts & Statutory Authorities where applicable.(f) Refer to collection agents/lawyers where applicable.(g) Complete a credit check with NTD (National Tenancies Database). If you wish to view your records or the information is not accurate, you can contact NTD on 1300 563 826 or to amend or dispute the record.(h) Transfer water account details into my name.Connect utilities through MyConnect.If I default under a rental agreement, I agree that the Agent may disclose details of any such default to the rental default database, and to agents/RRPs of properties I may apply for in the future. I am aware that if the information is not provided or I do not consent to the uses to which personal information is put, the Agent cannot provide me with the rental of the premises. I am aware the I may access personal information on the contact details above.SUBMIT